I don’t know how it happened, but I think we can all agree on these two points. 1.) November is already almost over and 2.) We have SO MUCH to do.
Or maybe it’s just me!
This time of year brings out my festive side, especially as a mom of young (and young at heart) kids. I want us to do all the fun stuff – decorating the house, going to tree lightings, baking cookies, shopping for family, making crafts, and so on and so on, forever. Add all that to the regular obligations of teaching and keeping the house in working order, and the result is that low hum of anxiety whispering in my ear, “You are running out of time…….”
So what to do? In my case, I hold fast to my personal daily meditation practice. Even if I only have a half hour a day, I make sure I take that time to get on my mat and find some inner quiet. This time of year is also wonderful to add a restorative yoga pose after meditation, like lying down on the mat under a blanket and a lavender eye mask (called “Shavasana” in yoga speak). Taking this time to connect to self allows me to replenish my drained energy. With my sense of calm back on track, I can connect more to the joy of the holiday season, than the stress and obligation.
If you feel like you could use a similar reset, join me December 5th and 12th for “Meditation For Stress Relief”. We will do some gentle seated yoga movements, breathing practice, and then settle into Shavasana while I guide you through a relaxing meditation, which ends in a head and neck massage with lavender oil (if you choose). You can attend one or both sessions, and both will have a recording so you can practice on your own at home - although you will have to enlist outside help if you want that neck massage. We will meet from 6:30 to 7:30. Pre-registration is required, and you can reserve one class for $25 or both for $40.
Whether you join me for the class or not, please take time for yourself this busy month to find joy, peace, and the connection to your True Self. Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season to you all!
Laura Knott
